Thursday, 23 June 2011

ROCA Statement on candidate chemicals: Don´t let economical and political reasons undermine the scientific basis of the convention.

We want to echo the statement of the African group. And also thank India for the change of their position, which is very encouraging, and we want to thank all other countries that were willing to discuss the listing. But we want to  express our disappointment about the late announcement of Canada and that they would not support the listing, for reasons that have nothing to do with the convention. We want to point out that when a country acknoledges a chemical meets the scientific criteria and still opposes its listing, then it undermines the integrity of the convention. We strongly oppose the position of those countries which refer to the lack of scientific data as the reason to oppose listing of asbestos. Many countries and well known international organizations do have enough of comprehensive information and scientifically proved data on asbestos health effects. If countries do not have national data confirming this it does not give them the right to undermine the CRC recommendations and data provided by other countries and organizations.We urge all Parties to come to a consensus decions. Don´t let economical and political reasons undermine the scientific basis of the convention.

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